
My personal journey

Warning: long and very personal, very me centered post ahead. (Instagram only.. I have too many work related “friends” on Facebook now for this kinda stuff 🙃 ) I’m currently curled up for an afternoon siesta after a morning of sun and driving. I spent the day out in the desert contemplating life and some very real pain.  I came back to Phoenix 12 long years after leaving a part of my life behind I had done and would do anything to forget.  The experiences of leaving a friend group, community, and church family which claimed to be serving God at the young age of 12, only to bounce between more painful religious circumstances for the next 4 years, left my young faith and heart broken and shattered.  The moment of being told we were serving satan because we left one expression of faith. The moment of losing friends, whispers, the shunning while in a group setting. At 12. The moment when this happened a short year after moving across the country, leaving everything I knew of no volition o